Get Ready Digital

How does Content Marketing work?

We publish your knowledge in video and text formats and put it where your ideal clients can find it online.

How do you transfer my knowledge into content that's ready for the internet?

We ask you questions just like a new client would. 

Imagine having a video call with a new prospect, they might ask you a bunch of questions about your service, but what’s more likely is they’ll tell you about their problems.

We record you answering the questions, probably questions you’ve answered a thousand times before. 

Once we have the recording you’re done, the rest is over to us.

Our studio will turn that video recording into a series of short videos, like a Q&A session.

These videos can be used on your website, YouTube, Linkedin, Facebook and more.

Our writers will produce written articles about each video. It’s important to note we don’t simply create a transcript, it’s a human-produced article.

The audio can also be stripped out and you have a basis for a podcast.


Let's see how it works in practical example...

What's your focus?

Imagine you're an accountancy firm offering audit, tax, and advisory services.
You have expert knowledge of preparing tax returns and providing advisory services for Estate Agents (realtors). This could be your only niche or a new area for you.
You're ready for more Estate Agents clients and want to provide services across the whole country.

Research, analyse & plan

Who is at the top of Google now?
We take time to analyse and understand why they've been ranked in top 3 organic results. Success leaves clues. What questions is your target market asking online? Forums, groups and Reddit are a great source to learn what your ideal clients are asking.
We design your next set of video interviews knowing what is working for your competitors and answering the questions your niche is asking.
Every page we create will encourage the reader to make an enquiry or exchange their email address for valuable information (lead magnet).

Imagine we created a downloadable guide titled "The Simplified Tax Guide for Estate Agents"... or perhaps... "5 big tax deductions most estate agents leave on the table". Users will enter their email address in exchange for the downloadable guide, building your email list.

Drive traffic

Using SEO, social media, PR, email marketing and other traffic sources, we drive traffic to the web page / article we've created.
Each article is designed to retain users on your website (a good signal to Google).
Our focus now turns to showcasing your strategies and experience to build your authority within the niche.
Some users will be ready to engage immediately and request a quote or consultation while others may download your free guide as a first step.

A live example

Check out this page on our client's website that has generated over 250,000 views.

This entire page was created using less than 40 minutes of original footage, but as you'll see, it's impressive and the keywords rank in the top 3 organic positions in Google.

Check it out:
US Tax Guide for Americans in the UK

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